Latest Magda Book!  









 The four mystery books are:


* Magda's Mayne Island Mystery (blue book),


* Mayne Island Aliens (red book)


* Mayne Island Skeletons (green book) and


* Magda's Mysterious Stranger (purple book)



They are a series, but they do not have to be read in any particular order. Each book stands alone.



Mayne Island is a real island in the Salish Sea, between the coast of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. This is where Magda and Brent, their friends, and Sport, the dog, are active in the pursuit of criminals, solving old and new crimes. Whether riding their bikes along the winding roads, building rafts on the beaches, or planning their next adventure, they will keep you anxiously reading to find out what happens next.

Search as you may, you won’t find Magda and her friends on the roads and beaches if you visit Mayne Island, however. They are only to be found between the page of the books. Further adventures are still unfolding in Amber Harvey’s imagination and possibly also on a file on her computer.






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