We drink it
Cold, clean clear, delicious water
Frack it
Frack the land
Poison the water
We want the money
Before Canada
Before settlers
Before their laws
We stewarded this land
Frack it
Poison the water
They want to buy gas
They want to buy dilbit
The land is clean
The berries, the fish, the elk are clean
We stewarded this land then
We steward this land now
Frack it.
Frack it.
China wants the gas.
Japan wants the gas.
Korea wants the gas.
Malaysia wants the gas.
Royal Dutch Shell wants the gas.
We want our health.
We want our clean water.
We want our clean land.
We want our clean animals.
Hurry. Hurry.
Frack it now.
Before the world stops us.
Before our own high court stops us.
Leave our snow-covered land.
Leave our elders.
Leave our chiefs.
Leave our simple wooden gate.
Leave us in peace.
Bring out the police.
Breach the gate.
Take the elders, the chiefs.
Before the world stops us.
Hurry. Do it now!
January 8, 2019