GOOD Book on UK:
- : War and Punishment by Mikhail Zygar, 2023
- Review:Transcript: Mikhail Zygar, Author, “War and Punishment” - The Washington Post
- Friends: Exiled Russian Journalist Mikhail Zygar Jailed 8.5 Years in Absentia for Bucha ‘Fakes’ - The Moscow Times
- Epilogue - worth the read: War & Punishment - Epilogue
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Eastern Imperial Thoughts
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What Lord Bertie said
America, whose outlook is moulded by the Protestant tradition and a century of pioneering, believes in the individual fighting his way by his unaided efforts from poverty to affluence. In imagination he is supposed to be fighting the wilderness like the backwoodsman; if in fact it is against human competitors that he fights, that is not a matter upon which it is necessary to dwell. Nor is it good form to stress the fact that he will be probably all his life a slave as regards the expression of opinion, winning material comfort by the sacrifice of mental integrity. The opinions which he must not express are obviously undesirable opinions, and to compel him to hold his tongue about them is only to exercise a whole- some restraint upon anarchic impulses. By the time he is middle-aged he himself is in complete agreement with this point of view.
Poor Russians!
If you are a pro-Russian ethnic Russian who feels trapped in Odessa, wait out the war and do what you need to do to move to Russia. You’ll preferably want to have a job lined up with a reputable company before you make such a move to avoid you and your family falling victim to the active criminal elements within Russia or to homelessness as a result of a fruitless job search. A lot of military aged men were killed in crippled in the war with Ukraine after being forced to sign for the Russian Army under duress after being abducted from their civilian jobs, so there will be a lot of job openings available (truck loaders and unloaders for shops and markets were particularly hard hit by these coercive tactics). Avoid trying to make contact with Russia right now as doing so may place you under suspicion of being a Russian collaborator in the middle of a war with Russia, and thus subject to being imprisoned erroneously.
Russia will be unable to reach Odessa because they don’t have the capabilities necessary to hold Kherson, take Mykolaiv and then advance further west to take Odessa. They started the war with too little of their Naval assets in the Black Sea to carry out an amphibious assault on Odessa before the Montreux Convention locked out the rest of the Russian Navy from entering the Black Sea. Their airborne assault units were left to die trying to take and hold overly ambitious objectives during the Kyiv campaign, and their reconnaissance capabilities have been too severely degraded by Russian corruption in the military to be able to track down and engage the HIMARS platforms currently severing their supply lines deep behind the lines. They now struggle to isolate and engage Ukrainian Partisans and Commandos operating deep in Russian held territory, resulting in the crippling of Russia’s remaining aviation capabilities and Air Defense. The Russian Army is doing nothing to take Odessa because they can do nothing to take Odessa.
You are better off just going to Russia than trying to invite Russia to come to Odessa. And frankly, much of the tragedy in this war could have been avoided if Ukraine and Russia could have agreed on opening the border to ethnic Russians moving back to Russia than for Russia to try to use Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine as an excuse to try invading. And if the Russians deny you the opportunity to move to Russia… they probably never actually cared about you as anything more than an excuse in the first place.
Trump , Climate, and other Bat Sh**...
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Garrison - Fun Stories well told, by an 81.5yr - old guy! who says: Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.
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- MacLean's
- Psyche | on the human condition
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- The Onion | America's Finest News Source.
- New Internationalist | The world unspun
- NY Times ( helps to have incognito option)
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- Good News, Inspiring, Positive Stories - Good News Network
- The Tyee | News. Culture. Solutions.
- Science News, Articles, and Information - Scientific American
- Science News | Daily news articles, blogs and biweekly magazine covering all areas of science
Hey Mr Dylan .. wait for me!
What a Grand Trainload!
see Bob Dylan unveils his largest-ever sculpture, of a railway freight car
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So! Facebook keeps sending me posts about Mr. Bob click to see: >> Bob's Picture Gallery
Our older sites
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- Magda Books by Amber Harvey
- Sundance Memories Blog
Just love this. I want to be 10 again so I'd dare to get up and dance with him.
Just an amazing poem for us
I counted my years
and realized that
I have less time to live by,
than I have lived so far.
I have more past than future.
I feel like that boy who got a bowl of cherries.
At first, he gobbled them,
but when he realized there were only few left,
he began to taste them intensely.
I no longer have time to deal with mediocrity.
I do not want to be in meetings where flamed egos parade.
I am bothered by the envious,
who seek to discredit the most able,
to usurp their places, coveting their seats,
talent, achievements and luck.
I do not have time for endless conversations,
useless to discuss about the lives of others
who are not part of mine.
I no longer have the time to manage
sensitivities of people who despite their chronological age, are immature.
I hate to confront those that struggle for power,
those that ‘do not debate content, just the labels’.
My time has become scarce to debate labels,
I want the essence.
My soul is in a hurry …
Not many cherries in my bowl,
I want to live close to human people, very human,
who laugh of their own stumbles,
and away from those turned smug
and overconfident with their triumphs,
away from those filled with self-importance.
The essential is what makes life worthwhile.
And for me, the essentials are enough!
Yes, I’m in a hurry.
I’m in a hurry to live with the intensity that only maturity can give.
I do not intend to waste any of the remaining cherries.
I am sure they will be exquisite, much more than those eaten so far.
My goal is to reach the end satisfied
and at peace with my loved ones and my conscience.
and per Confucius “We have two lives
and the second begins when you realize you only have one.”